Thursday, January 14, 2016

Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will

I'm guilty of believing I can't do something before I even try. Sometimes it's easier to play it safe and stay in that comfort zone.
I hear this from challengers before they even start a fitness program, "I guess we will see if I can do this, because I don't know that I can."
I set a goal to be able to do an unassisted pull up by the end of the year. About 4 days in, I told my husband I wasn't sure if I was going to make my goal. He stopped, looked at me and said, "You are 4 days into this. What are you going to do with the next 361?" I'm going to get that bar back out, use my little chair and know that I get a little stronger with each rep.
We want instant results, but sometimes, we have to trust the process and the time it will take to reach that goal.
Here are a few mind tricks to try the next time you feel self doubt creeping in.
1. List positive things you feel about yourself. Keep the positive affirmation with you.
2. Expose your doubts and remind yourself of all the positive things your wrote on that list.
3. Trick your mind- flip any negative thought into a positive one.
4. Own what you want in your life. Do you want to turn off the re-runs and invite in change?
Doubt your self doubt and believe that you do have what it takes.

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