Monday, December 21, 2015

Don't Stay Down Just Because You Hit a Bump in the Road

Life gets challenging sometimes, doesn't it? My daughter caught a nasty cold virus the week of Thanksgiving and I ended up catching it. Instead of bouncing back in 10-14 days, we both ended up on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I also got 5 days of a steroid because I hadn't been able to smell or taste anything for 7 days. 
Needless to say, not being able to breathe equals not being able to work out. ðŸ˜© Even after finishing all the meds, I still didn't feel up to exercise.
I continued to let my body rest while keeping my nutrition in line and drinking Shakeology. After a round of antibiotics, I was glad to know I was replenishing with Superfoods and probiotics! (Do you have that awesomeness in your protein shake?)
Last week, I started back slow with yoga and Pilates workouts from 21 Day Fix and Dynamix from P90X3.
Today, I felt amazing and did my favorite, The Warrior from P90X3!
The old me would have given up and been sitting around eating too many Christmas cookies while telling myself I would start back after the new year. I'm so glad I made a lifestyle change this year and will still finish 2015 strong! You don't have to stay down just because you hit a bump in the road. 


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