Monday, October 26, 2015

Chicken Salad- 21 Day Fix Approved

Chicken Salad is one of those things you usually avoid when eating clean and healthy because it's loaded with fat and calories. 
Here's a chicken salad recipe that will satisfy your cravings and doesn't taste like you are sacrificing any flavor! 
21 day fix container counts included. Feel free to play around with the ingredients! 

1 serving of chicken + 1 tbsp plain, fat free Greek yogurt (1 red) 
2-3 scallions, minced (free)
1/4 tsp curry powder (free)
1/2 cup grapes (1/2 purple)💜
6 almonds, chopped (1/2 blue)💙
Bed of mixed greens (1 green) ðŸ’š

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lose the Excuses- The Top 5

We've all said it- Well, I know this isn't an excuse, but here's the "reason."  An excuse by any other name is still an excuse.  I say this as a reformed excuse maker.  Here's a couple of my former excuses and a couple I've heard from others along the way.  At the end of the day, it's up to you to get out of your own way and make things happen.  Here's a couple suggestions to help motivate you along.

1.  I don't have time.  
Preach it.  There are 24 hours in a day but when you factor in things like commute time, school, work, church, extracurricular activities and everything else that makes up your day, the time seems to disappear.  The best advice I can give is that we all make time for the things that matter most to us. You may have to get up 30 minutes earlier and push all the toys out of the way, but you can push play on a workout DVD at home.   Yes, there will be the days that you are operating in survival mode and maybe you can't get in that time, but you don't give up.  I have a friend who is a mom, works 12 hour shifts and yet she still schedules in that gym time.  It's not negotiable.  She's a rock star and looks amazing because she got out of her own way and made it happen. 

2I don't have the money. 
Times are tough.  We live on a single income and I 100% get that.  Here's the deal- if you don't invest in your health now, you will be later on in the form of doctor visits and prescription medications. Given, exercise isn't a 100% guarantee that your life will be disease and problem free, but it will reduce your chances of developing things like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, joint problems from carrying excessive weight and lack of energy, just to name a few. 

3. I don't want to cook a separate meal for me and my family.  
Children can be the most picky, frustrating creatures on the planet when it comes to mealtimes.  What they ate last week, they will say is disgusting this week.   As a parent, it's up to you to set some healthy habits for your family now.  If you are struggling with your weight, chances are, your children are going to face that same struggle one day.  It's genetic and it's a learned behavior. Teach them healthy habits now. Set them up for a healthy, successful future. 

4. I don't want to give up (fill in the blank.)
Instead of focusing on what you are giving up, think about what you will get in return.  I never thought I could give up coffee creamer.  It was my one big indulgence each day.  When I did 21 day fix, it wasn't allowed and I planned on doing the program exactly.  I switched to unsweetened almond/coconut milk blend and I haven't looked back.  Focusing on what you're giving up leads you to feel deprived.  Focusing on what you are getting in return, such as weight loss, more energy, defined muscles and smaller clothing sizes, makes you realize that those so called "sacrifices" are mere investments into your new, healthy future. 

5. I'm just going to do this diet for a few weeks, or take these new supplements I heard about. I'm not going to name any brand names but we've all seen them.  Here's the deal, you have to be willing to make a lifestyle change. Before you start using one of these products or eating some fad diet, ask yourself a few questions- Is this setting me up for long term success?  Is this program teaching me healthy eating and fitness habits that can be sustained over a lifetime? What are the long term effects of this product on my body? The biggest problem I have with these companies is their motivation and ethics.  I do not feel that it is prudent to sell a product that is marketed at weight loss while telling people they can continue eating unhealthy foods as long as they take a certain "fat-blocking" pill. Your money can be better spent investing in healthy, clean foods and a good fitness program.  There's nothing you can take that replaces healthy, balanced eating and exercise. Nothing. You don't need it.  

There's no magic formula.  All it takes is a made up mind fueled by hardcore determination.  Cut out the processed foods, the sugar substitutes (yes, all the diet soda and diet foods included) and high fat foods and fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, good carbs and healthy fats.

The path of most resistance is harder, less traveled and sometimes lonely, BUT it is always worth it. YOU are worth it.  Your family is worth it. Don't be the only one standing between you and success. Get out of your own way and make it happen.

Have you gotten out of your own way and reached success?  Post your success stories in the comment section!  

Monday, October 12, 2015

Mom- It's OK to Vent Without Feeling Guilty

Sometimes parenting can be so completely frustrating. There are the endless questions, the temper tantrums, the sleepless nights and accidents that still happen despite your best baby and childproofing attempts. Some days are just hard. What can make things just a little worse in your already hard, frustratingly difficult day? Deciding to "vent" to someone who, despite good intentions I'm sure, put you on a guilt trip by saying things like, "They won't be little forever, so enjoy these days," or "These are the easy years." While I'm sure the intention is to change that moms perspective and focus on the big picture, the fact of the matter is, she simply wants someone to empathize with her and acknowledge that yes, some days are really tough. There are days you already feel like a completely and total failure and the guilt trip just sends you right on over the edge. We all know that the years pass all too quickly, but knowing that doesn't always make those LONG days any easier. To all the moms out there feeling like you are in the thick of it, here's a virtual fist bump. ðŸ‘ŠYou're going to make it!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Can we all take a minute out of our day to acknowledge this truth?
 I love that as a stay at home mom, social media is sometimes the one thing that keeps me connected to the outside world. I love seeing what my friends are up to....but sometimes, I will admit, I get a little jealous. There, I said it. Maybe I'm the only one...but I doubt it. It seems like some people have such perfect lives. They seemingly take vacations every week, their husbands send them flowers for no reason once a month and their children are super genius prodigies with not a speck or stain on their perfectly styled boutique outfits. Today, when scrolling through your news feed, please remember that comparison is the thief of JOY. 

That family who seems to take a trip every single week may have 2 parents working hard, long hours each day.  Those weekend getaways may be the only time they can get away from all the distractions and spend quality family time together.  Let's celebrate that regardless of the circumstances, these are families spending time together.  Families are breaking apart every day, let's celebrate that some people are not giving up and doing whatever it takes to stay together. 

The mom who gets flowers from her husband just because- who even cares what's happened on the other side of this picture.  Can we just celebrate for a moment that chivalry still exists and this husband took time to make his wife feel loved and appreciated! 

The super genius prodigy children- let's celebrate that these parents are investing in this child's future and thus grooming someone who will one day be a productive member of society.  Besides, we all know that "our" child is the smartest, most amazing, wonderful little human on the planet.  

Those perfectly styled children in their spotless outfits?  Come on, we all know it was all that mom could do to get a picture BEFORE total mayhem enviably occurred and chocolate, spaghetti sauce, or marker got all over those precious outfits she scored on Zulily or 75% off  clearance.  She just wanted to savor that brief moment in time when it "looked" like she had it all together.  

Facebook is all smoke and mirrors. We don't know what is on the other side of all those positive social media posts and pictures. Let's all find True JOY and happiness with our current season of life despite how messy, hard or chaotic it may be.